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2011-2-10 15:31 runner44
VDrift - Car Racing Simulation

[b]VDrift - Car Racing Simulation[/b]



VDrift - Car Racing Simulation

Company: VDrift | Lang: English | Genre: Racing Simulation | Size: 464 MB
VDrift, a car racing simulation PC game that released under the GPL license. Which its for download and available for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Windows. This free car racing simulation PC game offer very realistic physics and the tracks, scenery and terrain modeled in acceptable details. Plus more, the game is intended to run on slower machines with GeForce 2 and later, so you cant compare the graphics with todays games.
VDrift car racing simulation features over 20 real world tracks and almost 30 cars to choose from. The car racing game includes such basic features like different camera modes, replays, customizable controls, automatic shifting, traction control, anti-lock braking etc. Meanwhile, it also supports joysticks and gamepad and also has an experimental force feedback feature.
This car racing simulation game is based Vamos Physics Engine, Which is an automotive simulation framework with an emphasis on thorough physical modeling and good C++ design.

* Over 20 tracks, almost 30 cars
* Simple networked multiplayer mode (currently disabled, waiting to be rewritten)
* Very realistic physics
* Mouse/joystick/gamepad/wheel/keyboard support
* Fully modeled tracks, scenery and terrain
* Several different camera modes
* Basic replay system with Skip Forward/Skip Backward
* Fully customizable controls
* Joystick, mouse and keyboard input filtering
* Brake lights
* Driver aids: automatic shifting, traction control, anti-lock braking
* Experimental force feedback
Required operating system for VDrift:
System: Win2000/XP
Processor: 1 GHz
Videos: 64
Processor: 2 GHz







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