@KTzone » 資源 - 其他分類 » 資源 - 遊戲綜合資源超連 » Sims Tower - The Verticle Empire (模擬大廈1) 超級經典!! [RAR]

2010-11-1 20:53 gn01133001
Sims Tower - The Verticle Empire (模擬大廈1) 超級經典!! [RAR]


遊戲平台:PC (work on Vista)


[size=4]模擬大廈. Maxis 今次要大家好好地去建設, 管理一座摩天大廈. 說撺來好像沒有做市長那麼偉大, 不過要做的事就一樣的多.  遊戲開始建起一棟十多層的大廈, 遇到的問題並不大, 但是隨覑大廈越建越高,越多人進出,升降機的管理便成了一門大學問. 和其他模擬系列的遊戲有點不同, 這遊戲是有終極目標的: 就是建成傳說中的 TheTower. 不過當然了, 達不成目標也不會game over的, 簡單地建起一座心目中的大廈, 再把它當作一個電子金魚缸般看覑, 也可以是一種樂趣.

Maxis takes their Sim-buildinglinevertical with SimTower, an original concept from Japan (wherevertical living is much more commonplace than in many parts of theworld). Your goal is to build a skyscraper that is both tall,aethestically pleasing, popular, and, most importantly, economicallyprofitable. Tobe successful, your building cannot just be levels uponlevels of office space, or just an apartment sky-rise, but amulti-functional haven for humanity featuring everything from penthousesto theatres,restaurants to shopping malls. The centerpiece of yourtower design isyour elevators and proper managment is the key.You canwatch your Sims enter and leave your grand tower, gettingimpatientwaiting for elevators, or having a hectic work day at the office. Youcan even train in on one or two, to server as a metering stick for theircompatriots, or just to peek into the average workdayof the littlepeople living in your building. Or watch the security and resuce crews race as distasters like bomb threats and fires rampagethrough your well-crafted skyscraper.

下載 模擬大廈1代:  [url=http://freakshare.com/files/7sddou01/SimTower---The-Vertical-Empire.zip.html][color=#0066cc]http://freakshare.com/files/7sddou01/SimTower---The-Vertical-Empire.zip.html[/color][/url][/size]

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