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2010-3-20 20:32 JICKYLE

NetShowBT荛[Colony.Defense][殖民地防禦]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NetShowBT荛[Colony.Defense][殖民地防禦]
[img]http://www.***/images/attachicons/flash.gif[/img] [url=http://www.youtube.com/v/NadnTubnizk&feature=player_embedded]Flash: [url]http://www.youtube.com/v/NadnTubnizk&amp[/url];feature=player_embedded[/url]
枩OS: Windows XP SP 2 and higher.
枩Processor: 1.5 GHz processor
枩Memory: 1GB
枩Graphics: 3D Card with 128MB video memory with Shader Model 2 with point sprite support
枩DirectXR: 9.0c
枩Hard Drive: 300 MB
枩Sound: Any
Colony Defense Mana Bomb Game Studios (online) 02/20/10 US
《Colony Defense》有一款防禦塔類型遊戲,不過這次打破常規不在局限於2D而是360度全方位3D防禦。整個星球上都必須部有你的防禦工事還得360度旋轉觀察,查看地方是否開啟新的道路。
枩Defend each planets colonies from the alien onslaught in this high action / strategy title.
枩Full 3D. Manage multiple strategies as you orbit above the surface of the planets. Rotate around the planet to keep an eye on the battles happening all over the planets surface.
枩Multiple alien spawn points and multiple paths they can take to your helpless colonies, ensure high action battles.
枩Arcade style controls. Built from the ground up to be used with an XBOX 360 game pad. Mouse and Keyboard support as well.
枩10 upgradable weapons to fight the good fight with. Ricochet laser cannons, flame throwers, stasis towers, artillery cannons, and many more, make for unique strategy each level.
枩Real time Orbital Ion Cannon, when you need that extra punch!
枩Thirty four unique planets to engage the enemy on.

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